12 Voice Search Statistics You Should Know in 2023

For the past few years, voice search has been slowly gaining in popularity, and in 2023, that trend is expected to continue.

More and more people are using voice search to discover information, make purchases, and connect with their gadgets as smart speakers and virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri become more commonplace.

We’ll look at 12 important voice search statistics in this article that show how critical it is to prepare your website and digital content for voice search in 2023.

These statistics will give you insightful information about the voice search market and enable you to stay ahead of the curve whether you work in marketing, operate a business, or create digital content.

List of 12 important Voice Search Statistics

In recent years, voice search has grown in popularity, and in 2023, this trend is predicted to continue. You may learn more about the market penetration of this technology and its development tendencies by looking at voice search data. The following 12 voice search statistics are crucial to understand:

  1. Voice searches make up one-fifth of all searches performed globally.
  2. At least once a week, more than 50% of smartphone users use the voice assistant on their device. (Voicebot, source)
  3. 66% of adults in the US alone own a smart speaker, such as an Amazon Echo or a Google Home.
  4. Four times more people use voice-activated devices than desktop or mobile to search for nearby businesses.
  5. More than 1 billion voice assistants are currently in use worldwide.
  6. 40% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 use speech technology numerous times each day, making voice search particularly common among younger generations.
  7. With 70% of users taking some sort of action after uttering their inquiry, voice searches are three times more likely than text-based searches to be action inquiries.
  8. Around 60% of smart speaker owners do product and service research before making a purchase; this percentage is anticipated to rise sharply over the next years.
  9. By 2020, voice searches are anticipated to make up 50% of all searches.
  10. By 2022, voice search could generate $40 billion in annual income.
  11. 15% of internet users in the US use voice commands at least once each week on their desktop or laptop computers.
  12. Of those who own smart speakers, 70% say they would rather use voice commands to make purchases; than manually inputting information into a website or app.

These data on voice search show how this technology is advancing quickly and dominating how consumers conduct information searches. The importance of voice search is only going to increase in the next years, so it’s critical for businesses to be aware of these developments and modify their marketing plans accordingly.


Your company may maintain its competitiveness and gain an advantage over the competition by studying voice search statistics and being ready for this new technology. Make sure you’re prepared because voice search will continue to transform how we engage with digital information.


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