How to Wash A Face Mask

Ever since the attack of this latest pandemic by the name Covid 19, the authorities are insisting on some cloth face covering for the general public. These are referred to as masks and the experts insist on the need to have at least two for use. This way you can always have a fresh mask available if one has gone for wash. This current pandemic has perhaps restricted your movement but still one may have to visit the grocery store to buy essentials. One may also have to visit the doctor or you may have to venture out to earn bread and butter. 

Therefore, in spite of coronavirus 2020 playing havoc and already having installed fear, there is still a need to venture out. It is by wearing a mask; you can slow the spread of this pandemic. It is however prior to reuse, there is a need to wash the mask. The rule is similar to normal clothing and after extensive use, there is a need to wash the mask. Let us now discuss on these lines.  

How often should I wash the mask? 

This is a difficult question to answer and the experts have to say that it all depends upon the frequency of use. Do you have to use the face mask on a daily basis? If so we would insist on the need to wash it after every use. It is after you come back home for the day one can wash the mask. It is as you are on errands; there is a risk of droplets collecting on the outer surface of the mask. This is just the reason for us to recommend a daily wash. 

What precisely to use for the mask cleaning process? 

It is never a difficult task to clean the mask and one just needs some basic ingredients. One could look to use minimum soap and water for the cleaning process. The medical experts have to say that the warm water and detergent, which we use at home, should work wonders. One can first hand wash it and then put the mask in the washer. The experts insist on the need to properly clean the mask and by putting it in the washer, one can achieve this objective. It is after the wash, one will need to dry it. You can use the dryer but once again the expert advice is to put the mask close to some hot setting. This way you can kill the remaining virus particles. We would like to make a crucial update that the mask must be washed in hot water for duration of 20 seconds at least. 

What other precaution can you take? 

It is alongside using the mask, the medical experts also insist on the use of a sanitizer. A mask can protect your mouth and ears. However, your hands are also exposed to the virus and sanitizers can quickly kill the microorganisms in your hand. It can achieve the purpose a lot quicker than hand washing.  We have looked to offer an exclusive insight on the necessary precautions, which you must take to combat this deadly pandemic scare. One must stay safe and healthy. It is by constantly wearing a mask in the public domain and regularly washing hands with sanitizers, you can look to achieve the objective.

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