Top 5 Online Games Earn Money

Online games are now very popular worldwide. Games involving millions of dollars are extremely popular globally. If you want to earn money at home then you can start playing the best games. This is a good opportunity for you. If you can play games at the right level, you can reach higher levels and earn money.

Here are some of the best games online that you can play if you want to earn money. You have to choose the best games, we will help you in this article to choose the Top 5 Online games.

Best games to earn money online

There are so many online games that offer great earning opportunities. If you want to choose online games as a way of earning, we will tell you about top 5 online games that can help you earn a lot of money. By playing these best games all day long you find a way to earn money.

As you complete each level you will accumulate some points and subsequently earn money.

  1. Dream 11
  2. Junglee Rummy
  3. Qureka
  4. WinZo
  5. GetMega

Dream 11:

Sports teams and their related games are most popular all over the world like cricket, football and all these games have lots of apps online. The best app among them is Dream 11. Dream 11 is the biggest fantasy cricket game available online.

You have to select 11 members for a cricket team and form teams based on them playing against each other in specific matches. You will be given points based on the real life performance of the players in that match.

Junglee Rummy:

The Junglee Rummy game is one of the most popular card games in the world. There are different types of rummy games but the basic rule of collecting more points than the opposition applied. It is easy to withdraw prize money from a rummy game which is why you can choose this game to earn money.


Qureka is one of those apps that if you try it you will get various game offers and earn money easily. So far this game has been downloaded more than 10 million and its popularity can be seen if you check the list on play store.

The Qureka game has a lot of topics to quiz on, from cricket to general knowledge to history and literature.


One of the best money making games is winZo, you can play this game easily. Till now this app has been downloaded by millions all over the world including India. In fact winZo is at the top of online gaming in India.

Founded in 2018, WinZo game download offers more than 70 games that you can easily play online against other players to earn money.


GetMega is an online gaming portal. Along with the security of an established developer, you will get the comfort of a beautiful user interface and this app is very easy and convenient to use.

When you start using the app you will notice that each game has different rates and you will understand how much you are willing to pay and how you can earn.

If you are bored at home and looking for ways to earn, you can choose some of the best games. With the help of the best games, you can earn in multiple ways. You can choose any one of the above mentioned games to play and earn and you can follow TrendingNewsWorldwide to know more about these games.

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